July 24, 2017

An example of change

I have been surprised at how difficult it is to write posts as regularly as I would like for this blog. I haven't the dedication to write as often as I would like, but while I am working on my next essay about how changes I have made in my life, I wanted to share an example that really impressed me of someone changing their mind. This American Life recently aired an episode of their show titled "Fear and Loathing in Homer and Rockville." The episode covers two stories regarding a controversial issue, and the first one is all about the lengths a person went to in order to change their mind. It tells the story of a man who, unsure of what he should think about illegal immigrants, took it on himself to get to the bottom of the issue. It describes his process of searching for evidence and updating his beliefs on a complicated issue. The most impressive part for me is his humility through it all. At every point in the process, he attempts to question his own methods and really understand all sides of the issue. I aspire to follow his example, and I hope you find the story interesting. I would be really interested to hear any thoughts you might have on this story, the process of changing your mind for the better, or any feedback on my writing to this point. I am trying to improve my writing process and the quality of my output, so any advice is very welcome! Thanks in advance, and I hope you enjoy the story!

Follow this link to the story:
'Act One. Fear.' from This American Life episode 621: 'Fear and Loathing in Homer and Rockville.'

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